terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014

Improved how to render coffeescript partial inside coffeescript template

Some time ago I googled trying to find a solution for render a coffeescript partial inside a coffeescript template in an attempt to DRY my coffeescript templates.

This led me to https://coderwall.com/p/i62phq/how-to-render-coffeescript-partial-inside-coffeescript-template. Initially I turn my nose for the syntax, but it solved my problem and wasn't that terrible so I stick with this.

After some time I need to debug my JS response and when I looked at the returned code I saw that I need a better solution:

(function() {
  (function() {
    $('.footer').html("<div class=\'btn-group\'>...<\/div>");

As you use more partials and your code start to grow this mess only gets worst. After hitting my head around a bit I realized that what I need was to render plain coffeescript, so I renamed my partial to _partial.coffee.erb and it worked like a charm!

Now my show.js.coffee is:

<%= render 'footer.coffee' %>

And my _footer.coffee.erb is:

$('.footer').html("<%= j render 'my_footer_html_partial' %>")

And the response is:

(function() {
  $('.footer').html("<div class=\'btn-group\'>...<\/div>");

Cleaner, don't you think?

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